Knight Evolution Cycle Deck

Name: Knight Evolution Cycle Deck

Avg Elixir: 3.4


Knight Evolution
Magic Archer
Wall Breakers
Spear Goblins
Baby Dragon
This deck is a fast-paced cycle deck that uses Knight Evolution as its main win condition. The other cards in the deck are used to support Knight Evolution and cycle through your deck quickly.


The main goal of this deck is to cycle through your deck until you have Knight Evolution in hand. Once you have Knight Evolution, you can use it to push through your opponent’s defenses and take down their tower.

To cycle through your deck quickly, you can use cheap cards like Skeletons and Zap. You can also use the Baby Dragon and Cannon to defend your towers while you cycle through your deck.

Once you have Knight Evolution in hand, you can use it to push through your opponent’s defenses. You can support Knight Evolution with the Magic Archer and Wall Breakers. The Magic Archer can provide long-range support, and the Wall Breakers can tank damage for Knight Evolution.


Use your Skeletons and Zap to cycle through your deck quickly.
Use the Baby Dragon and Cannon to defend your towers while you cycle through your deck.
Once you have Knight Evolution in hand, use it to push through your opponent’s defenses.
Support Knight Evolution with the Magic Archer and Wall Breakers.

You can replace some of the cards in this deck with other cards that you prefer. For example, you could replace the Magic Archer with the Firecracker or the Musketeer. You could also replace the Wall Breakers with the Goblins or the Bats.


This Knight Evolution Cycle Deck is a fast-paced and aggressive deck that can be very effective in the right hands. If you are looking for a deck that is fun to play and can win you a lot of games, then I recommend trying out this deck.

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