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Wall Breakers Mega Knight Prince Firecracker: Most Popular Clash Royale Deck of 2023 Wall Breakers Mega Knight Prince Firecracker:

Wall Breakers Mega Knight Prince Firecracker is one of the most popular decks in Clash Royale. It is a viable option for both beginners and experienced players. This deck relies on fast attacks and strong defensive combinations.

Main Cards

The main cards in the deck are:

  • Wall Breakers: The deck’s main offensive card. They can deal direct damage to the enemy tower by breaking through the walls.
  • Mega Knight: The deck’s strongest defensive card. It can deal massive damage to enemy units and buildings.
  • Prince: The deck’s fast-paced offensive card. It can deal direct damage to the enemy tower.
  • Firecracker: The deck’s air defense card. It can quickly eliminate air units.

How to Play

Here are some tips on how to play the deck:

  • Use Wall Breakers to deal direct damage to the enemy tower. When approaching the enemy tower with Wall Breakers, don’t forget to support them with a strong defensive card like Mega Knight or Prince.
  • Use Mega Knight to clear out enemy units. Mega Knight is a perfect card for eliminating enemy units and buildings.
  • Use Prince to launch a fast attack on the enemy tower. Prince can quickly deal damage to the enemy tower.
  • Use Firecracker to clear out air units. Firecracker is a perfect card for quickly eliminating air units.


Wall Breakers Mega Knight Prince Firecracker is one of the most popular decks in Clash Royale. It is a powerful and versatile deck that can be used by players of all skill levels. By following the tips in this guide, you can learn how to play this deck effectively and improve your chances of winning.

I hope this helps!