Category Archives: Genel

Best Decks with Evolved Archers in Clash Royale

“Evolved Archers” is a new card that has been added to Clash Royale. This card can be described as an evolved version of the “Archers” card. Unlike the “Archers” card, the “Evolved Archers” card has been specially trained by Archer Queen’s personal sharpshooters. This card has a unique ability called “Power Shot,” which deals double damage to faraway enemies. 

Here are some of the best decks that you can use with the “Evolved Archers” card:

Deck 1: “Evolved Archers” + “Giant Skeleton” Deck

This deck is a great option for players who want to use the “Evolved Archers” card in combination with the “Giant Skeleton” card. The “Giant Skeleton” card is a great tank unit that can absorb a lot of damage from enemy units. When combined with the “Evolved Archers” card, it can create a powerful push that can take down enemy towers quickly.


  • Evolved Archers
  • Giant Skeleton
  • Fireball
  • Zap
  • Ice Spirit
  • Skeletons
  • Bats
  • Goblin Gang


The strategy for this deck is to use the “Giant Skeleton” card as a tank unit and place the “Evolved Archers” card behind it. This will allow the “Evolved Archers” card to deal damage from a safe distance while the “Giant Skeleton” card absorbs the damage from enemy units. Additionally, the “Fireball” and “Zap” cards can be used to clear out enemy units and support the push. The “Ice Spirit,” “Skeletons,” “Bats,” and “Goblin Gang” cards can be used to defend against enemy units.

Deck 2: “Evolved Archers” + “Golem” Deck

This deck is a great option for players who want to use the “Evolved Archers” card in combination with the “Golem” card. The “Golem” card is a great tank unit that can absorb a lot of damage from enemy units. When combined with the “Evolved Archers” card, it can create a powerful push that can take down enemy towers quickly.


  • Evolved Archers
  • Golem
  • Baby Dragon
  • Mega Minion
  • Tombstone
  • Zap
  • Log
  • Lightning


The strategy for this deck is to use the “Golem” card as a tank unit and place the “Evolved Archers” card behind it. This will allow the “Evolved Archers” card to deal damage from a safe distance while the “Golem” card absorbs the damage from enemy units. Additionally, the “Baby Dragon” and “Mega Minion” cards can be used to clear out enemy units and support the push. The “Tombstone,” “Zap,” “Log,” and “Lightning” cards can be used to defend against enemy units.

Deck 3: “Evolved Archers” + “Hog Rider” Deck

This deck is a great option for players who want to use the “Evolved Archers” card in combination with the “Hog Rider” card. The “Hog Rider” card is a great offensive unit that can deal a lot of damage to enemy towers. When combined with the “Evolved Archers” card, it can create a powerful push that can take down enemy towers quickly.


  • Evolved Archers
  • Hog Rider
  • Ice Golem
  • Ice Spirit
  • Cannon
  • Fireball
  • Zap
  • Log


The strategy for this deck is to use the “Hog Rider” card as an offensive unit and place the “Evolved Archers” card behind it. This will allow the “Evolved Archers” card to deal damage from a safe distance while the “Hog Rider” card deals damage to enemy towers. Additionally, the “Ice Golem,” “Ice Spirit,” “Cannon,” “Fireball,” “Zap,” and “Log” cards can be used to defend against enemy units.

Evolved Archers: A Comprehensive Guide to the New Card in Clash Royale

“Evolved Archers” is a new card that has been added to Clash Royale. This card can be described as an evolved version of the “Archers” card. Unlike the “Archers” card, the “Evolved Archers” card has been specially trained by Archer Queen’s personal sharpshooters.

Card Statistics
Elixir Cost: 3
Rarity: Common
Type: Troop
Arena: Jungle Arena
Release Date: 5 November 2023
Card Abilities
The “Evolved Archers” card has a unique ability called “Power Shot,” which deals double damage to faraway enemies. Additionally, it has 25% more health and 30% more range than the normal “Archers” card .

The “Evolved Archers” card is classified as an air-targeting ranged unit . It is a great card to use against air units, as it has a long range and can deal double damage to faraway enemies. However, it is not very effective against ground units, as it does not have any special abilities against them.

Offensive Strategies
One of the best ways to use the “Evolved Archers” card is to place it behind a tank unit. This will allow the “Evolved Archers” card to deal damage from a safe distance while the tank unit absorbs the damage from enemy units. Additionally, the “Evolved Archers” card can be used to defend against enemy units, as it has a long range and can deal double damage to faraway enemies.

Defensive Strategies
Another strategy is to use the “Evolved Archers” card to counter enemy air units. Since the “Evolved Archers” card has a long range and can deal double damage to faraway enemies, it is a great card to use against enemy air units. However, it is important to note that the “Evolved Archers” card is not very effective against ground units, so it should not be used to counter them.

In conclusion, the “Evolved Archers” card is a great addition to Clash Royale. It has a unique ability, long range, and more health than the normal “Archers” card. It is a great card to use against air units and can be used to defend against enemy units. If you are looking for a new card to add to your deck, the “Evolved Archers” card is definitely worth considering.

Building a Deck for Clash Royale’s New Champion, Little Prince

Little Prince is Clash Royale’s newest champion, and he’s a powerful addition to any deck. He has a unique ability that allows him to jump to any enemy unit, making him a great counter to tanks and other high-health units.

In order to get the most out of Little Prince, you’ll need to build a deck that supports his strengths. Here are a few tips for building a deck for Little Prince:

Include a tank to soak up damage. Little Prince is a glass cannon, so he needs a tank to protect him from enemy attacks. A good option is Giant, who can also provide support for Little Prince’s jump ability.
Include air support. Little Prince is vulnerable to air attacks, so you’ll need a way to defend him from air units. Minions, Bats, and Baby Dragon are all good options.
Include a spell to clear out swarms. Little Prince is great at taking down single units, but he can be overwhelmed by swarms. A spell like Fireball or Poison can help you clear out swarms before they can damage Little Prince.
Here is a sample deck that you can use as a starting point:

Little Prince (9)
Giant (9)
Minions (9)
Bats (9)
Baby Dragon (9)
Fireball (9)
Zap (9)
Elixir Pump (9)
This deck is designed to be a beatdown deck that uses Little Prince to push into the opponent’s tower. The Giant provides support for Little Prince, while the Minions, Bats, and Baby Dragon provide air support. Fireball and Zap are used to clear out swarms and defend against enemy troops.

Of course, you’ll need to experiment with different cards and strategies to find what works best for you. But by following these tips, you can build a deck that will help you get the most out of Little Prince.

Here are a few additional tips for using Little Prince:

Use his jump ability to your advantage. Little Prince’s jump ability allows him to bypass enemy defenses and target the tower directly. This makes him a great counter to tanks and other high-health units.
Don’t be afraid to use him as a tank. Little Prince is a good tank, especially when paired with a spell like Fireball or Poison.
Be careful of air attacks. Little Prince is vulnerable to air attacks, so you’ll need to keep him protected from air units.
With a little practice, you’ll be able to use Little Prince to dominate your opponents and win Clash Royale games.

Clash Royale Little Prince: A New Champion Card That Brings a Breath of Fresh Air to the Game

Clash Royale, on November 6, 2023, added a new champion card to the game. This card is called “Little Prince” and is an offensive card. Little Prince deals damage to enemy towers and units by quickly reaching them. It also knocks back enemy units when it collides with them.

Little Prince’s Features

Card Type: Offensive
Elixir Cost: 6
Health: 1,000 (Level 1)
Damage: 150 (Level 1)
Damage Duration: 1.5 Seconds
Knockback Effect Duration: 3 Seconds
How to Play Little Prince

Little Prince is a fast-paced offensive card that can be used to deal damage to enemy towers quickly. To play Little Prince, drag it towards the enemy tower. When Little Prince reaches the enemy tower, it will begin to deal damage to it. It can also knock back enemy units when it collides with them, disrupting the defense.

Little Prince Strategies

Little Prince is an effective card for dealing damage to enemy towers quickly. However, since Little Prince has low health, it is important to use other cards to protect it. Some strategies to keep in mind when playing Little Prince include:

Play Little Prince when there is no defensive card that can prevent it from reaching the enemy tower.
Disrupt the defense by knocking back enemy units with Little Prince.
Use other cards to protect Little Prince while it attacks the enemy tower.
Little Prince’s Impact

Little Prince is seen as a card that brings a breath of fresh air to Clash Royale and could change the game’s dynamics. We will see how Little Prince will impact the game in the coming days.


Little Prince is a card that adds a new dimension to Clash Royale and makes the game more exciting. By playing Little Prince correctly, you can surprise your opponents and change the course of the game.

Additional Notes

Little Prince is a unique card in that it is the only champion card that can be knocked back by other cards. This can make it difficult to use Little Prince effectively, as it can be easily disrupted by cards like Bomb Tower and Barbarian Barrel.

Despite this, Little Prince is a powerful card that has the potential to be a meta-defining card. It is a versatile card that can be used in a variety of decks, and it will be interesting to see how it is used by players in the coming months.

Deck Name: Rowdy Bards Blitz

Sure, here’s another Clash Royale deck with Evolution Bards:

Deck Name: Rowdy Bards Blitz


  • Evolution Bards
  • Battle Ram
  • Fireball
  • Goblin Barrel
  • Mega Minion
  • Musketeer
  • Skeleton Army
  • Zap


This deck is a fast-paced, aggressive deck that aims to overwhelm the opponent with a variety of troops and spells. The Evolution Bards play a crucial role in this deck, providing both offensive and defensive capabilities.

To utilize this deck effectively, start by applying early pressure with the Goblin Barrel and Battle Ram. These quick attacks will force your opponent to respond while you build up elixir for stronger plays.

Use the Musketeer and Mega Minion to defend against air units and support your pushes. The Skeleton Army can effectively counter ground-based threats, while Zap can eliminate swarms and reset charging units like Prince or Sparky.

Once you’ve cycled through your cards, unleash the evolved Evolution Bards to overwhelm your opponent. Their enhanced strength and rage ability make them a formidable force, capable of pressuring towers and disrupting enemy formations.


  • Utilize the Goblin Barrel to chip away at the opponent’s towers and force them to spend elixir on defense.
  • Time your Fireball to eliminate multiple troops or damage both the tower and defending units.
  • Protect your Musketeer and Mega Minion as they provide valuable air defense and support for your pushes.
  • Use the Skeleton Army reactively to counter ground-based threats like Prince, Valkyrie, or Hog Rider.
  • Employ Zap to eliminate swarms like Bats or Skeleton Army, and to reset charging units like Prince or Sparky.

Remember to adapt your strategy based on your opponent’s deck and play style. With practice and effective use of the Evolution Bards, you can dominate the arena and secure victories.

Deck Name: Evolution Bards Beatdown


  • Evolution Bards
  • Barbarians
  • Cannon
  • Fireball
  • Goblin Cage
  • Hog Rider
  • Ice Golem
  • The Log


This deck is a beatdown deck, which means that it aims to win by overwhelming the opponent with powerful troops and spells. The Evolution Bards are the key card in this deck, as they can become very powerful once they have evolved.

To use this deck effectively, you should start by placing the Cannon in the back of your arena to defend against your opponent’s attacks. You can then place the Goblin Cage in the middle of the arena to tank for your other troops.

Once you have a good defense in place, you can start to attack with the Hog Rider and the Evolution Bards. Use the Ice Golem to support your troops and the Fireball to take out any dangerous enemy cards.

Once the Evolution Bards have evolved, they will become very powerful and difficult to stop. You can use them to pressure the opponent’s towers and win the game.


  • Be careful not to overspend on elixir when attacking. You want to have enough elixir left over to defend against your opponent’s counterattacks.
  • Use the Fireball wisely. Don’t waste it on low-health cards.
  • Be aware of the opponent’s deck. If they have a lot of swarm cards, you may want to keep the Log in hand to counter them.

I hope you enjoy this deck!

Wall Breakers Mega Knight Prince Firecracker: Most Popular Clash Royale Deck of 2023 Wall Breakers Mega Knight Prince Firecracker:

Wall Breakers Mega Knight Prince Firecracker is one of the most popular decks in Clash Royale. It is a viable option for both beginners and experienced players. This deck relies on fast attacks and strong defensive combinations.

Main Cards

The main cards in the deck are:

  • Wall Breakers: The deck’s main offensive card. They can deal direct damage to the enemy tower by breaking through the walls.
  • Mega Knight: The deck’s strongest defensive card. It can deal massive damage to enemy units and buildings.
  • Prince: The deck’s fast-paced offensive card. It can deal direct damage to the enemy tower.
  • Firecracker: The deck’s air defense card. It can quickly eliminate air units.

How to Play

Here are some tips on how to play the deck:

  • Use Wall Breakers to deal direct damage to the enemy tower. When approaching the enemy tower with Wall Breakers, don’t forget to support them with a strong defensive card like Mega Knight or Prince.
  • Use Mega Knight to clear out enemy units. Mega Knight is a perfect card for eliminating enemy units and buildings.
  • Use Prince to launch a fast attack on the enemy tower. Prince can quickly deal damage to the enemy tower.
  • Use Firecracker to clear out air units. Firecracker is a perfect card for quickly eliminating air units.


Wall Breakers Mega Knight Prince Firecracker is one of the most popular decks in Clash Royale. It is a powerful and versatile deck that can be used by players of all skill levels. By following the tips in this guide, you can learn how to play this deck effectively and improve your chances of winning.

I hope this helps!